Thursday, May 19, 2011

Failure by the Kenyan Governmen or Military?

Kenya's borders have largely been described as porous since we gained independence. It does not help matters any better especially when when the most failed state in the world, Somali, is along our Eastern border. The border has largely been mared by cross border conflicts, arms smuggling, money laundering, human and drug trafficking, amongst other criminal and human offences.

Only last week there was a new incursion by he Ugandan authorities into Ugingo island, with Migingo still being contested by both paties. At the same time there was an incursion by the Merille tribesmen of Ehiopia into the Northern Kenyan side, resulting in the death of 20 Turkanan people. The security forces were apparently out numbered due to the large size of the imposters, with some estimates establishing that they were up to 2000 and have up to 900 armed folks.

The PM yesterday made a statement to the effect of apportioning blame, or directing queries, to the Kenyan military. Granted, that they receive up to Ksh. 40 billion in budgetary allotment and yet fail to protect citizens from existential threats emanating from foreign sources. It is their duty to protect and defend the country from this threat. But i must also congratulate them on their effective job in doing so on the eastern front along the Somali border. That without a doubt is a strategy that they should implement on the Northern side so as to avert any loss of life.

That being said i can also reflect on the incompetecy of the government to use the resources at their disposal to effectively coordinate and liase the ministry of internal securiy and the MOD to counter any threat. It would be wise to say that even the police and Administration Police are also capable of protecting Turkanans and other Kenyans.

To continue to apportion blame may not solve the issue, but may add fuel to the fire. What now needs to be done is for the executive to effectively ensure that this does not happen again. Inaction may portray weakness and inability of the government to defend its citizens. A more robust framework needs to be established so as to ensure national security and sovereignty is protected as enshrined in our new constitution.